Al-anon group representative guidelines














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This Guideline may be photocopied. AL-ANON. The Shared Experience of Al-Anon and Alateen Members. guidelines. The Group Representative (GR) is a vital link meetings for groups in the District. G?37. Requirements. Any incoming, outgoing, or active past Al?Anon or Alateen. Group Representative (GR) who is willing A Group Representative is an Al-Anon/Alateen member who represents the group at district and Area Assembly meetings where the groups share information of From Al-Anon Guidelines-G11-Group Representative. • You are the second link in the chain that leads to our World Service. Conference. Your service as Group Representative is a wonderful opportunity to grow in recovery. As a Group Representative (GR), you are the link from your group to the Al- The World Service Office maintains a set of guidelines concerning the position of group representative on its website. The following description is based onGuidelines and the Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire Service Manual; they should encourage other Group members to do likewise. The Group Representative. The Group Representative (GR) is a vital link in the continuing function, growth, and unity of worldwide Al-Anon. GRs should be members with experience, Requirements. Any Al-Anon or Alateen member with a willingness to repre- sent the group at the district meeting and Area Assembly in order.

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