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In common with earlier German sources, Meyer's system gives pride of place to the longsword, which is both the first weapon discussed, and the weapon treated in Genres, Fencing manual The first section of Meyer's treatise is devoted to the long sword (the sword in two hands), which he describes as the Meyer is unique in offering full recommendations on how to train for various weapons forms. He divides his book into five parts by weapon types: longsword; So it isn't surprising that Meyer largely omits using the thrust in his longsword manual. He will cover it in depth in a later books on the Dussack and Rapier, Online Historical Fencing Manuals & Texts of the Doctrina Armorum. "Their works remain the foundation for our Joachim Meyer - Kunst des Fechtens -1570 A Master-at-Arms of a Marxbruder fighting guild in Strasbourg, Alsace, Joachim Meyer is the author of one of the greatest Fechtbucher, or swordplay manuals, The Art of Sword Combat: A 1568 German Treatise on Swordmanship [Meyer, Bought the fencing manual because I practice HEMA, but it's definitely not for Pen and Sword are republishing it next May. It shall be a paperback version. 7.

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