Nj library trustee manual
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Thank you for your commitment to New Jersey's libraries, and for serving your community as a library trustee. This Trustee Manual offers a wealth of information The American Library Association Code of Ethics states the values to which we are providing information services, library trustees and library staffs. Created by the COSLA Trustee Manual Working Group Michele Stricker, NJ Congratulations on your appointment as a trustee of your public library.NJ State Library Trustee Institute. Our Trustees know the value of New Jersey libraries and have embarked on the mission to ensure that libraries will continue Download the Trustee Manual as a PDF. njstatelib.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Trustee-Manual-2015.pdf. Attachment(s):. PDF icon New Jersey Library Public library trustees have the opportunity to make meaningful Now more than ever before, New Jersey's public libraries rely on the wisdom, insights, Informal complaints can occur at any time, and every library should have a process for handling verbal concerns. Library workers and educators who receive The Successful Library Trustee Handbook by Mary Moore. Chicago: ALA, 2010. Volunteers. Capital Area District Library: Library Volunteer Application Form
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