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Click on the “say hello” lego block. • Check your sprite behavior at the right. • Then click “say hello for 2 secs”. Your very first Scratch program! Scratch is a powerful software development package. It lets you create programs (called projects) that combine sound, graphics and animation. You can upload Digital Technologies in focus: Scratch tutorial. Page 2. Section 3: Extension exercises, resources and assessment. 46. Extension exercises.Get familiar with the interface of Scratch 2.0. 2. Understand the features of each sprite and the backdrop. 3. Learn to create a new sprite and backdrop. Start In Scratch, sprites (objects) are manipulated on the stage (background) using various 2. "Catch delicacies" game. Annex 1. Scratch 2 concepts. Annex 2. Scratch 2.0 Blocks. Reference book. Annex 3. Negative numbers. Add a Sound. 2. Click and listen. If you can't hear it, check that the sound on your computer is on. Scratch tutorial, Version 2020. 1.9 Animate walking. A sprite can have more than one appearance. It's called a costume. The cat has 2 costumes which are Downloading the color images of this book We also provide you a PDF file that has This is the key to understanding how I approach this Scratch tutorial.
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