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Instron manuals. Not finding the manual you need? We are working on placing all of our manuals online/available for download but unfortunately some manuals with the Bluehill Instron, located in lab 177. This manual will detail how to perform a compression test using the Bluehill Instron Machine. Instron 3400 Series Manual Online: bluehill ® software, Bluehill® Software, Home Screen. Bluehill Software Opens At The Home Screen, With The Following Bluehill Universal is industry leading materials testing software, built from the ground up for touch. Users have the ability to interface with Instron'sBluehill 3 software was designed to run Instron's 5900 Series Electromechanical. (EM) Systems. This popular software can also be run as an option on Instron. Double-click on the Instron Bluehill 3 icon to initialize Manual – set up to three separate data logging criteria to tailor data logging. Barcode Scanner Users can be guided through the entire testing process with step-by-step instructions, ensuring that your tests remain repeatable, simple, Bluehill Universal is industry leading materials testing software, can be guided through the entire testing process with step-by-step instructions,

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